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Hello and Welcome!

Rico welomes you to his wonderful world of quilting!


Allow me a chance to explain my name:  "Quilting Rico" is a play on words.  I am a Mexican-American and the "rico" word means "delicious," or it depends of the context in which it is used. 

To express that these tacos are rico is to say the tacos are delicious!  The word can also mean "rich," and pair it with "suave" and it plainly means "awesome!"  Bring it back to the quilting world, I love saying that my quilting is rich, passionate, and I do it "deliciously!"



2010 - present
Professional info

I love piecing and I have enjoyed doing so for almost two years.  I love piecing and putting a quilt tops together. 

After sending out my work to be quilted by talented longarmers, I decided to get my own machine.

My current machine is a Gammil Statler Stitcher, I have named him "Rico!"  He's the real Rico of this story.

Work experience

I have been on my Statler Stitcher every chance I get since it's delivery! 

I've been quilting for about three months now, and loving it - doing it Rico!


I have been trained by some of the best professionals:  Mrs. Lori Clayton, Mrs. Georgia Stull, and I keep updated with on-line training. 

Of course, there is nothing like on the job training!  Love it!

In the Know

Watch that scant 1/4 inch!






2010 - present
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